Dave Briggs

Dave Briggs

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Christian Tech and Science Blog is here to present the latest and greatest to YOU in Technology and Science. Also to explain some of the fun and interesting phenomena we live with every day. Our universe is a wondrous place!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Longevity: Live Long and Prosper!

As I write this blog post I am sure that your reading it won't be a guarantee that you will either live longer or prosper more. ( sorry about that! LOL!)

But I have found in life, especially modern day life which can get kind of full and hectic sometimes, that even taking the time to think about something can be the first step in bringing it about.

I have been wanting to write a post on time travel. The problem is that no matter how much I read and study I still haven't gotten enough of a handle on it to write something hopefully intelligible and inspirational.

I don't who got the credit for saying it the first time, but if we did have a time machine we could hop in and go back decades in our life I think almost everyone would end up saying, " If I knew I was going to live so long I would have taken better care of myself!" :~)

I am almost 55 years old now. When I was a teenager as someone approached 60 years old they had already made sure their affairs were in order, just in case, cuz the end couldn't be that far off.

But now, at 55 I am considered middle aged and I tell everyone I am planning on making it to 100. Having a long life seems universally appealing. So what has made the difference? Research and development in fields such as anatomy, biology, biochemistry, even microscopes and lab supplies have been improved upon with the goal of understanding our bodies more intricately.

We learned that you can have a genetic disposition towards longevity, but with more research we also found you can do things to overcome if you were handed a genetic low life expectancy at conception.

Eating right, getting plenty of exercise and sleep, cutting down on unnecessary stress and avoiding harmful things in the environment are all good things that can make a big difference.

I have even seen a doctor who has done the research and has the documentation that says you need to eat certain kinds of food dependent on your blood type, and this will give you a healthier and longer life.

I wrote a post for this blog about the fact that the time has come when people can hand you a complete genetic code of yourself. That unique combination of DNA that was put together to form you.

I have seen genetic manipulation get to the point where they took a gene from a spider and spliced it into a goat embryo and the grown goats give milk that they harvest silk from!

As a former computer guru, a field based on magnetism taken to the Nth degree to a large extent, I learned early on to stop saying they will never be able to do that!

Speaking here of the biomedical, which is essentially based on genetic code taken to the Nth degree, I have also learned to stop saying they will never be able to do that. As a matter of fact, since I keep up with the research I have already have plenty of instances when I read what they have already done and still can't believe it!

In 5 years it may be common place for the doctor to hand you a small device that has your personal genetic code on it at the end of your annual physical.

If I break out my telescope to the future I seem incapable of even imagining where I think things will go.

It may become everyday that they have figured out genetic code to the point where you and your spouse have them custom make your children in a test tube to add decades to their life spans.

Past that it may become the norm that they work on your genetic code and add decades to your lifespan! The science gadgets, gizmos and wonders they seem to come out with every day is enough to numb the mind sometimes!

We don't know what the future holds but the more I study what they have already gotten to at this point in time the more I am convinced that we all need to think along the lines of taking a trip in that time machine mentioned earlier and take that better care of ourselves so we are good candidates for the latest miracle cure and life extension drugs they are sure to have around sooner than we expected!

Thank you,

Dave Briggs

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