Dave Briggs

Dave Briggs

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Christian Tech and Science Blog is here to present the latest and greatest to YOU in Technology and Science. Also to explain some of the fun and interesting phenomena we live with every day. Our universe is a wondrous place!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The International Space Station: Our Green and Clean Eyes in the Sky! Living in Space Equals Living Better on Earth!

Fifty years ago you would have been hard pressed to find anyone, ( even a SCI FI writer), who would believe that in the near future we would have a safe home in the sky for 10 people from all over the world, whirling about the planet. Sort of like someone telling you now that soon there will be kids on Mars with lemonade stands on every corner! LOL!

Friday, February 5, 2010

*We are all Made of Stardust!*

Believe it or not, we are all made of stardust! Actually I kind of like the idea! It makes me feel special to know that I am made of the same stuff that those pretty, shiny things up in sky are made of. :~)

Friday, January 22, 2010

*LED Lighting is in Our, (YOUR), Future! The Future is Now!*


I try to keep up with the latest and greatest tech and science that is available now and also set and ready to explode into the latest thing for everyone to utilize and enjoy!

LED lighting is such an instance who's time has come. The US military has been using LED lighting for years, but now, production has gone up and prices have come down so it available for everyone.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your Personal Genetic Code Handed to You!

Suppose you go to your family doctor, have them run genetic test on you and then they hand you a small digital storage device that contains your complete, personal genetic code!

Sounds like a good plot for a science fiction movie, doesn't it? Well, it's already here! But it will still probably end up the plot of a movie because it spawns tons of questions about what could happen.

Your Computer Making Jokes! Coming Soon!

I was very fortunate to get to see the computer revolution from the inside out. As a former computer guru I built hundreds of systems from scratch and went to people's homes and offices to teach them how to use these new wonder machines they had heard so much about, but didn't have the foggiest idea how to use.

I have seen a lot of progress over the years that left me amazed, and still does on a regular basis! And the fact that they are predicting computing speed doubling every couple of years has me reserving spots in my brain to try to contain all of the amazement that's ahead!

The Future is Now: Part 1

I have titled this, the future is now: part 1, because this is the kind of topic that easily lends itself to further posts as time goes by.

I am 57 years old and there are many things I see and study about that I was never sure would happen in my whole life time!

Renewable Energy: Do or Die?

Global warming has become a hot topic. Is mankind responsible or not? In some ways that question doesn't matter.

Mankind's history on planet earth is very short in geological terms. The earth is considered to be about 4 billion years old. That is including all the way from a hot boiling cauldron of lava to the present day.